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#1 Ottawa Reviews Kana Leaf Cannabis 418 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, Ontario. Yellow Pages and Google.

When it comes to reviews this can make or break a small family business'. We believe in transparency and will what ever it take to make your shopping at any Kana LEaf Cannabis location the best we can offer. #1 Ottawa Reviews Kana Leaf Cannabis 418 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, Ontario. Yellow Pages and Google.

We are not like you traditional store where your voice isn't heard. We will take any advise, complaint and criticism and do our very best to adapt. If you ever have a complaint or question please always sent question to e-mail: and your concerns will be heard.

When talking about review one negative review will dramatically hurt the over all rating no matter if you have 99% positive remarks it seems that negative remarks take precedence in the Google algorithm. If for some very odd reason we still are not able to satisfy you, then have at it give it to us we deserve it.

IF you want to share your pleasures or displeasure with Kana Leaf Cannabis please do so using these links. This will help this family business' grow so we can keep providing customer with the value you all deserve and more.

Google Reviews is another great place to leave us an review. We love to hear from our valued customers.

Google Reviews for Kana Leaf Cannabis, 418 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, Ontario.
418 Richmond Rd, Ottawa Ontario-Kana Leaf Cannabis

Kana Leaf Cannabis is a family owed and run. We are the first in Ontario to operate legally on First Nations lands and then moved off the land to the Capital of Canada. Ottawa has welcomed us with open arms and we appreciate every minute we are open.


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